Nhny hres Jedi:
Ki-Adi Mundi Odi-Van Kenobi Qui Gonn Jin
Yoda Mace Windu Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker Aayala Secura Nomi Sunrider
Even Piell Depa Billaba Sharad Hett
Adi Gallia Eeth Koth Oppo Rancisis
Yaddle Yarael Poof Saesee Tiin
Plo Koon
The choosen one is the boy maybe...but his training is too dangerous.../Yoda/
Ht gy vsz el a szabadsg...tapsvihaz kzepette.../Padm/
Kettejk kzl a fi a meggondoltabb.../Panaka kapitny/
I'm not elected to watch my people suffer and die while yuo discuss this invasion in a commitee!.... Amidala kirlyn